Wednesday, December 31, 2003

I Won?
Oh my God!
What can I say but thank you?
Thank you so much.
It was just a pleasure to be nominated with the likes of David "Funniest Man in the World" Swidler, Luke "Guy Who Got Mugged With The Funniest Man in the World" Thayer, and, jeff.

Seriously, I'd like to thank the voter, the fan, and the Great State of California for giving me a taste of home on Christmas Day or, for those who don't celebrate Christmas, Boxing Day Eve. It was just what I was hoping for, torrential rains, accompanied by a new twist, Flash Flood Warnings. Yay!

But back to my award. I will treasure this always, and, when I actually receive this reward, I will reserve for it a place of honor usually afforded only to my elementary school "Field Day Participant" ribbons.

I couldn't have done it without the help of a few people, and they know who they are, so I won't bore you with their names.
I did it though, I really did, like I always said I would. Just like with Saddam.

The shining brilliance of this moment, in front of all of you, is only slightly lessened by the fact that I, Ryan " Pillar of Light and Truth" Dobosh (the P.L.T.), have a confession to make...

I never shit my pants.

Sorry, I mean,

I never shit my pants.

That's right, I'm a fraud. A sham. A Keister. That hideously embarrassing moment never actually happened and the blog that was so eloquently written about it was a work of total fiction. I just wanted to point that out, so everyone would know that I have never suffered from incontinence, nor am I presently wearing any adult undergarments to protect me from any more "accidents", thank you very much. I'm a regular member of society. A regular guy, who once stapled his thumbs together, on purpose.

So thanks again for The Bloggy. Or was it the Bloggie? I can't remember. All I do know is that I wake up every afternoon, comfortable in the knowledge that even if the fates conspire against me and I can't think of an original idea for my blog, I can always just invent some story that I swear to God never happened.

Stop looking at me like that.

I gotta go.

Tomorrow, another story.

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