Friday, September 29, 2006

Everything New Is New Again!

Hi folks, welcome back to The Pinyon, you've been missed. They've recently upgraded our little site here and I think the changes are nice. We've updated the "links" list on your right (our left, because you see, we're in the computer) and while I will forever feel a slight twinge of regret for deleting *The D.S. from anything, he never reads this anyway.

The new links are pure goodness though.

There's Do's & Don'ts, which is a fantastic waste of time and has actually changed the way we perceive our fellow man.

Also, for those of you who've met her and know how cool she is, we have a link to little Gozey's record page on kittenwars. She's still kicking ass as we speak.

And the last new addition is the fabled Aprile. Though we haven't seen her in who knows how long, and though the title of her blog is a complete rip-off of our ever-popular "Things I know to be true" segments (see Dec. 2003, Jan. 2004), we are absolutely delighted to once again be in the sphere.

We have only one movie to review for you today.
It is called Jackass: Number Two.
It is horrible and it is amazing, at the same time.

While I confess I didn't see the first Jackass until it was showing free on cable, I thought it was ok, and when my good friend #6 (his real name) asked me to accompany him to the sequel I said, "Hand me my lighter."
He had my lighter at the time, and I thought he was going to steal it. He did not steal it, instead we used it for the purpose that God intended and went to see the movie.
Ah, the movie.
It is basically a bunch of guys beating the crap out of themselves and each other on film. I know it sounds dumb, and it is, but it is also mesmerizing. You can't look away. And because there is absolutely no plot or writing or characters to get in the way, it is impossible to be bored. I didn't look at my watch once, which is more than I can say for a lot of films that are supposedly "brilliant". I'm looking at you French Connection, Serpico, and Pirates Of The Carribbean Two: Dead Man's Chest. We go to the movies to be entertained, and these Jackass guys really deliver in that respect, I was riveted. And while I don't think I would enjoy spending time with the guys who made this movie, I certainly have to respect their balls.
And I know that they have balls, because they're shown in the film.

I give this Movie a: B+

Well folks, it was fun seeing you again.
That's all the time we have for today,
come back soon and we'll show you some pictures.

PEACE in the NFC East.

*Note To Readers - We have since replaced The D.S. in the aforementioned links list. We just couldn't do it, he's too cute.


YogaLia said...

Nothing was stolen. In fact, my title came from my boyfriend's clever ribbing over my many mental lists of "things I know for sure"--unwavering in confidance, utterly lacking in fact. I have a feeling that you may have, unconsciously, been thinking of me when you named your leetle segment. Aprile by osmosis. Thanks for the plug...and I will never go to see this movie.

David said...

Jeff, can we talk in private?