Wednesday, July 12, 2006

She's great folks, isn't she?

After the awesomeness of The Waterpark was over, we headed back to pick up Maverick and then I went back to my dad's. I went to bed early that night because my dad was going to wake me up at 7:00 am to go to the Gun Show. I asked why we had to go so early and he said to me, "Because that's when I get up."
7:00 am? Really?
They truly are a different breed down there.


I must now confess that I like guns. In fact, I think they are great. Super great. And I've wanted one ever since I knew about them, much like a full sleeve tattoo.

So when I went to the gunshow that morning, I was pretty excited. Luckily I had my camera and was able to capture some sights for you the loyal readers.
It should be noted here that cameras are not allowed in a gun show.
You are welcome.

The following are images that I found compelling;

First, the sign. It's simplicity intrigued me. Why are the letters slightly off center? And why such a big sign for only two words? Why no other information? I guess because these two words say it all.

Next, we have on display some lovely ceramic stabbing weapons that were advertised to be metal detector proof, presumably for use on airplanes. Check out the price.

2 for $7? What a deal! Next we come to the fascinating bumper sticker display. The one I liked most of all of these is the I Love Animals one, though it does seem a little out of place here.

Those were nice. But these next two were The Ultimate.

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