Friday, June 09, 2006

Alright, that's it.
I have had enough!
If these Yahoos at Google think they can stop me from blogging just by taking away my ability to use pictures, they've got another thing coming. I cut my teeth in this business writing no-picture blogs and I can go right back to old school at a moment's notice. Nothing on the Earth can stop me from blogging except for my astronomical laziness.

So, I'm taking these lemons that life has given me and I'm making sangria.

No, seriously. Everyone to my house for some SANGRIA!*

We will post the conclusion of the Son Of The South series as soon as Blogger pulls their frickin' h's from their a's. Pardon my French. On to today's entry:

My World Cup Runneth Over.

I will watch every match of the World Cup this year.
It can be done.
It will be done.
It has to be done.
If this isn't the reason to own Tivo, I don't know what is. I have already watched Germany beat Costa Rica (six goals!) and I'm in the middle of Poland Versus Ecuador. Only Sixty-Two more games to go!

Now normally, I'm a vocal critic of soccer. The slowness, the stagnant scoring, and the empty stadiums did little to excite me, even though I played Varsity soccer in high school.
But The World Cup is a different story.
It's perfect.
These are whole countries playing each other. The people watching are amazing to watch. They genuinely care who wins and loses. Not like an American sports fan cares, half-heartedly and for five minutes, but like they care about their own families.
And the soccer being played is world class. These players train for four years to play in these games and they are the best in the world, literally.
So I'm going to watch all the games. And you know what, it won't be that hard.
There are no other quality sports to watch besides the NBA finals (that's right, fuck baseball), all of the good shows are in repeat (Bill Maher, Lost, Sopranos) and I've got the technology to watch (and fast forward) all the World Cup games that air at 3:30 in the morning.
Besides, the U.S. is ranked 5th so I'm sure we'll finish in the top 25. My back up favorite is going to be England, and then as the tournament nears the end, anyone who's NOT BRAZIL. Those damn cocky, tan, fun loving, happy, drunken, very nice, enthusiastic bastards.
Well, Poland lost 2-0, but they came real close to scoring, so they shouldn't feel too badly. But they do. They are pissed. And that's why this game is so fun to watch, and that is why I will be watching every game. So there.

So that's where I'll be if you need me for the next few weeks, and you're welcome to come over and join long as you're cool.

*No one who reads this is actually welcome in my home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a blog tumbleweed, rolling across the vast emptiness of your promises. post. more. now.