Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ambition Strikes Back

So, since we've come down with the old Vertigo, which for the record, is caused by something we doctors like to call Vestibular Neuritis, we here at The Ryduffy have been forced to relinquish some of our favorite pastimes.

A small list of some of the activities we've been forced to stop participating in:

Basketball-(can't play, but can still watch pretty effectively)
Karate-(and just after I made it to Advanced Class)
Las Vegas-(went on a planned trip, but had to leave early, up $200)
Eating and/or Working in Restaurants-(the background noise is very unsettling to the noggin)
Burning dried Cannabis leaves and inhaling the "smoke" produced by this process-(damn)

This last one really sticks in our collective craw. Firstly, it really gets in the way of our crippling addiction and you know how frustrating that can be. Secondly, all this time spent at home would really have been made easier if we just had some way of relaxing and not noticing the passage of time. Slow, plodding, relentlessly boring time.

But the worst side effect of all this "sobriety" has got to be the return of something which we hadn't even noticed had gone. Our god-damned Ambition.


Before, we had been perfectly content just waiting tables, playing video games, eating Cheez-Its, and watching reruns of The Simpsons that we had already memorized years ago. But now, what with this dumb ass "drive to succeed" it's like, nooooo, we have to go and "make something" of ourselves. What a crock of shit.

Well, Nobel Peace Prize, here we come.

I guess we'll be seeing you bastards on the motherfucking cover of Time Magazine.
Slow, plodding, relentlessly boring Time.

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